Listener Kids | Assorted

Listener Kids | Assorted

We create videos kids love, with values parents approvešŸŽµ Listener Kids is a fun, educational platform for kids (ages 0-6) that teaches Christian values creatively. In a world where animals can sing, dance, and objects come to life, our music videos get kids singing and dancing while teaching values parents approve.At Listener Kids youā€™ll find Sunday School classics with a modern twist. And you might even find your little ones dancing around the room before you know it!www.listenerkids...

We create videos kids love, with values parents approvešŸŽµ Listener Kids is a fun, educational platform for kids (ages 0-6) that teaches Christian values creatively. In a world where animals can sing, dance, and objects come to life, our music videos get kids singing and dancing while teaching values parents approve. At Listener Kids youā€™ll find Sunday School classics with a modern twist. And you might even find your little ones dancing around the room before you know it!

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