When nineteen-year-old, Paul Royal’s mother falls into addiction he must choose between his own dreams or staying behind to take care of his four younger siblings. Overwhelmed and alone he meets a girl with a message of faith and hope, but it may be too late. Directed by David Alford, Joseph Stam Starring Ariane Ireland, Elijah Bullen, Joseph Stam, Luke Sage, Maggie Piper, Parker Gray ► Subscribe to get all the latest content https://bit.ly/3aOfZft ► About EncourageTV brings you the best selection of FREE Family-Friendly, Kid-Friendly, Faith-Friendly and Christian content available anywhere! Brought to you by Bridgestone Multimedia Group (BMG Global), ETV’s mission is to provide quality, trusted entertainment that is appropriate for viewers of all ages. We want our audience to feel inspired and fulfilled by the programming that we offer and therefore all of our content is carefully evaluated to adhere to our standards. ► Connect with us online and our socials: Website: https://www.gobmg.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BMGEncourageTV/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BMGEncourageTV #EncourageTV #FullMovies
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