Steve Saint was not quite five years old when his father, Nate Saint, and four other men were speared to death in 1956 by members of the Aucas, now known as the Waodani. The five missionaries and their families had gone to live in the jungles of Ecuador in hopes of bringing the Gospel to the primitive and savage people living there. After the men were killed, Steve's Aunt Rachel and Elisabeth Elliot, wife of one of the martyrs, bravely decided to carry on their work, as they felt the need to continue the mission their loved ones had died for: to bring the light of the Gospel to the Waodani. The two women lived among the tribe, teaching them how to read and translating the Scriptures for them. As a result, some of the Waodani committed their lives to serving God. Steve grew up among the Waodani, dividing his time between school in the U.S. and the jungle village. Upon the death of his Aunt Rachel and at the Waodani's request, Steve brought his wife and children. His experience there gave him the vision to establish I-TEC (Indigenous People's Technology & Education Center -Â which helps bring modern technology to hidden groups around the world and assists them in being self-supportive and independent. This inspiring and entertaining testimony, combined with photographs and rare film footage, is both moving and challenging. It is a captivating true story of forgiveness, Christian love and missionary devotion to God's call.
Producer: Herald Entertainment
Starring: Steve Saint