Triumph in the Face of Mourning | Full Movie | Joe Mayer | Debbie Mayer | Bree Mayer
An auto accident tragically takes the lives of three sisters, just two days before their brother’s wedding. How does a family begin to cope with such a loss? Meet the Mayer family and hear their firsthand account of how they found the faith and courage to Triumph in the Face of Mourning.
The Mayer family is busy preparing for a joyous event: the wedding of their son Joey. But the elation and anticipation are shattered just two days before the wedding when daughters Krista (19), Nikki (17) and Jessica (12) - on their way to the bridal shower of Bree, their sister-in-law-to-be, - are involved in a tragic accident. Their car is hit by an oncoming vehicle. Nikki and Jessica die on the spot and Krista dies in the hospital. Everyone expects the wedding to be postponed, but Joey and Bree decide to make the wedding a homage to the three girls. When they meet in heaven some day in the future, Joey says, he does not want his sisters to have to ask him why he cancelled the wedding. Meet the Mayer family and hear their firsthand account of how they found the faith and courage to Triumph in the Face of Mourning.
Producer: EO International
Starring: Joe Mayer, Debbie Mayer, Joey Mayer, Bree Mayer
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